All39Illustrations24Packaging Design8Photography5Visual Identity4Brand Identity2 Winery HochKlaus Illustrations – Packaging Design – Photography – Visual Identity Hot Pot Illustrations Blid Brand Identity Illustrations Illustrations Mōd Illustrations – Photography – Visual Identity Ich bin kein Berliner Illustrations Oliver Coffee, New York Illustrations Photography for Bistro Lupa Photography Villa Montefalco Visual Identity Elda Illustrations Schüttelfrost Illustrations Haushalt Illustrations Lockenruf Brynjolf Illustrations 42 m² Illustrations 2021 Illustrations Blinded by the Sun Illustrations Saskia Illustrations Rudelsingen Illustrations Mirror, mirror in my hand… Illustrations Julia Illustrations Vitadual Packaging Design Packaging Design Woman 02 Illustrations Portraits Illustrations A Day In The Garden Illustrations Karolina Photography Red Illustrations Julia Photography Tortoise & Hare Brand Identity Woman Illustrations Packaging Design Rema1000 Packaging Design Packaging Design Rema1000 Packaging Design Brunch Illustrations Packaging Design Packaging Design Packaging Design Packaging Design Packaging Design Packaging Design Winery Dalgaard & Jordan Visual Identity Winery Dalgaard & Jordan Packaging Design Johan Vaaler – Inventor: the paper clip Illustrations